# Coverage of methods/protein-coding genes genes firestar matador3d corsair spade inertia cexonic thump crash_sp crash_tp appris 19931 7594[38.10%] 13988[70.18%] 17715[88.88%] 17850[89.56%] 0[0%] 0[0%] 3318[16.65%] 2358[11.83%] 226[1.13%] 19931[100.00%] # Principal stats genes genes principal single uncertain_unique_ccds uncertain_earliest_ccds uncertain_longest_ccds uncertain_longest_seq 19931 8945[44.88%] 5243[26.31%] 2785[13.97%] 2027[10.17%] 592[2.97%] 339[1.70%] # Percentage of rejected genes with unique CCDS in one or more isoform genes firestar matador3d corsair spade inertia cexonic thump crash_sp crash_tp appris 11765 41[0.35%] 92[0.78%] 125[1.06%] 145[1.23%] 0[0%] 0[0%] 25[0.21%] 0[0%] 0[0%] 156[1.33%]